About The Emotion Code® & Heart Wall

What Is The Emotion Code®?

If life feels like a struggle, pushing against barriers you can't see or name, then the Emotion Code® may be the answer. Contact East Midlands Emotion Code® in Nottingham today.

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About The Emotion Code®

Renowned holistic physician, chiropractor and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skilfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of trapped emotions; emotional energies that literally inhabit your body.

Dr. Nelson explains how trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction and more. Trapped emotions exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how successful you will be.

Trapped emotional energies will often gather around the heart, creating a “Heart Wall” that may block you from giving and receiving love freely.

The Emotion Code® is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of unseen baggage. Releasing trapped emotions often results in the sudden improvement of many areas in your life. With the help of a Certified Practitioner, you can release these trapped emotions that are holding you back.

About Viv
Heart Wall Emotion
Heart wall emotion

Are You Hiding Behind Your Heart Wall?

Have you ever noticed that there are some associates or even family who you just cannot connect with? Maybe you and that other person are hiding behind a heart wall.

These are subconscious walls of defence that we construct due to negative past events to avoid further hurt. These heart walls can cause friction between man and wife, sibling rivalry and failure to attract or form close relationships. Within these heart walls trapped emotions, and by eliminating these, your heart wall could be reduced considerably, or even completely!

With your heart wall reduced, it could be possible for you to become closer to your loved ones and to the rest of humanity in a loving and positive way. In response, people draw closer to you, offering you help and support. If you are struggling to find a good job or partner, then reducing your wall breaks this barrier. You may find that you have higher self-esteem, and that you feel more confident within yourself, or, as many people have said to me, “I feel so much lighter.”

This form of energy healing may help at all levels of the human psyche, helping both adults and children. I also work with animals. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain.


"I had a session with Viv Dec 2019 and she identified through using the emotion code that I had trapped emotions in my small intestines, colon, ileocecal valve, liver and gallbladder, which may have been responsible for my many food intolerances. After removing these, I definitely had a feeling of lightness as if a weight had been lifted from my whole body. Thank you."

Contact Me Today

To learn more about the Emotion Code® or your heart wall, and how I can help you to remove the obstacles that stop you from living life as you wish to, get in touch today via email.


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